If you are a resident of Arlington Heights, please join us using our family membership form.
If you own a business in Arlington Heights, please join us using our business membership form.
Membership dues are payable annually for the January to December membership year.
Join/Renew by Mail: Make a check for $20 out to "Arlington Heights Civic Association". In the memo line, write "2019 membership". Mail a check to one of the following addresses:
c/o Brian Sigritz
3204 6th Street
Arlington, VA 22204
If your information (such as name, address, phone number or email) differs from that listed on the check please use this form to provide updated information.
You can also use this form to pay with cash.
Venmo is a widely used smartphone application available for iPhone and Android. It provides a NO FEE means of sending money to other users. For the first time this year you can pay your membership dues to AHCA via Venmo.
To do this you must:
If you have any questions about either of these methods, please feel free to email Matthew Ambrose at arlingtonheightstreasurer@gmail.com.
Please e-mail me if you have any questions.
Much appreciated, Matthew Ambrose, AHCA Treasurer
Family and/or individual dues are $20 and business dues are $25. Pay by Venmo to @arlingtonheightscivicassoc, or checks made out to Arlington Heights Civic Association (AHCA) may be mailed or dropped off to:
c/o Brian Sigritz
3204 6th Street
Arlington, VA 22204
In the memo line, please write "2024 membership." Please contact Brian ahca.bsigritz@gmail.com if you have any questions.
c/o Brian Sigritz
3204 6th Street
Arlington, VA 22204
In the memo line, please write "2024 membership." Please contact Brian ahca.bsigritz@gmail.com if you have any questions.